Monday, January 7, 2008

A is for Alone

Alright, so my first letter of the Alphabet. This was the easiest by far. A. Lots of places, things & activities start with A. But I knew what I was going to do. It's something I do at the beginning of every year already, so while it doesn't fall into the "something new and exciting" category. It is something I wanted to do, and more importantly, something I needed to do.

I spent time alone. A for Alone.

There was a time I couldn't be alone, I don't think I was comfortable with myself. I needed constant activity, someone to talk to, something to listen to, something to watch; I wasn't able to center myself in the midst of all the activity, just floated about. Then things happened, that forced me to withdraw and start taking time for myself, the first time I truly (kinda, sorta) lived by myself, the summer after sophomore year. I lived on F street in a great row house and had this great internship, but then after one random brief illness, I realized that I probably needed to chillax, and I introduced "ME TIME." It infuriated my roommates, because after work, I would come home, go to my room and lock the door and spend time with me. But in the "ME TIME" hour, I was able to reflect and plan, something I hadn't been able to do effectively, because I never gave myself the chance to do so. The timing was truly God, because a short while later, there were some events that really came out of left field, and had I been in that crazier whirlwind life where I was being blown any how, I know I would have truly been broken.

Well, as you know life happens, and schedules, commitments and priorities change. I no longer have the luxury of indulging in the daily hour long "me time"; so I make sure that at certain times during the year, I spend a long stretch of time with myself, no distractions, no nothing. The easiest times are New Year's and my birthday which is almost at the midpoint of the year. So this year I did the usual, waking up and staring at myself in the mirror, pulling out my notebook, making goals, writing a letter to myself and sealing it. I open it one random day in the second half of the year, to see what my priorities and thoughts were at the beginning of the year. I have to say, it's been less trivial each year.

What else did I do? I SLEPT. Spent some serious time praying and made actionable plans to go into my trusty notebook. A was a great start for me, it really fit into the time of the year and my budget of $0.

So I'm debating what should be done for B. I might not be as radically different as I thought I would be, when I first thought up this project, but either way, I'm going to see it through.